Wednesday, October 21, 2009

SEPTEMBER 29th: I Feel Better for Five Minutes!!

Sept 29 003, originally uploaded by Kikigill.

I felt better on Tuesday evening. Better enough to leave the house, go to the knitting store, buy colored roving, and gather rocks to felt. Weird? Yes. I have always sprung out of bed with energy and a project in mind. All that lounging around had left me itching, positively yearning to do something productive! So, off I went to my friend Amy's house where I made dinner and felted rocks. Sure, I came home after an hour and a half of exertion and collapsed, but it was well worth it!

1 comment:

Lorraine said...

I am so perplexed by your blog darling. Was this last post in late Sept or late Oct? Either way it was too long ago!! Beautiful picture!