Saturday, November 04, 2006

You Look Tired...

Thank you, twenty-four year old cashier at the health food store for making my day but calling out the obvious. Yes, I do look tired. There is actually a good reason for that, I AM tired. VERY tired. It's been a long week of working full time trying to get my new job cranking up and taking care of my kiddos in the off hours. This is, not to mention, bottles at 1AM and a great new habit my two year old has of waking at 5:15 every day. Thank you, as well, daylight savings time. Fall back...wish I could...wish someone was there to catch me.


Lorraine said...

I just had to add my favorite comment that I get like a bazillion times a day: "You haven't had that baby yet?"


Counting_Blessings said...

I just found your new blog address and am happy to "see" you again! Congrats on your new job, I wish you the best of luck.

And, since I'm posting on 12/24, I also wish you and your family a blessed Christmas.
